If at first you don’t succeed, your initial plan was defective
I admit, the above statement may be a bit strong. Just consider that while trying again is a great attribute, and it is a much better option than giving up, but… You knew there had to be a ‘but’ involved. But, how many times must you try something without getting the results you want, before you consider that something may be wrong with the process, that something vital is missing? Maybe there is a legitimate reason why your past attempts at resolving unwanted health challenges has not gone according to plan.
The purpose behind my 6-step program is to eliminate, or at least greatly reduce, blocking factors which impede progress. I don’t want you to keep trying again. I want you to get it right, to succeed now, not just for today but for the rest of your life.
It is one thing if you can’t or won’t follow a plan. It is another to follow that plan to the letter and still end up frustrated from a lack of results and even feeling worse than when you started. The problem more often than not, is NOT you, it is a plan inappropriate for your unique circumstances and needs.
A huge part of this problem is that many individuals trying to resolve unwanted health challenges get side-tracked. They get distracted by the fancy marketing and empty promises. They become hyper-focused on the diagnosis and/or the symptoms. They lose sight of the fact that they live within a finely orchestrated holistic organism. The key word being ‘holistic.’ Every tissue, gland and organ making up the varied and complex systems have to work together harmoniously for there to be any chance of manifesting the body’s health potential. Your body is not a machine consisting of independent functional components. Everything is connected and influences everything else.
There are reasons why your body is behaving in the manner it is, in spite of your past and current efforts and intentions. Your body is not trying to mess with you. It is not trying to make your life more difficult that it already is. Your body is doing the best it can considering the circumstances it finds itself in. Those circumstances are the direct result of your lifestyle choices and the environment they were made in. In other words, how you interact with people, places and things, including yourself has a direct impact upon your health. While there are some environmental factors beyond our control, for instance; radiation from over 2,000 nuclear detonations, or the aggressive heavy use of man-made chemical with tens of thousands of new concoctions introduced annually, the majority of factors influencing your health are largely under your control.
Bill Wolcott, founder of Healthexcel’s Metabolic Typing® has a rather effective ‘Health vs. Disease’ formula. While this formula on the surface appears simple, it is, in actuality a rather complex interaction of innumerable factors.
Genetic Potential (at conception) + Optimal Nutrition + ‘All the Right Things’
Minus (-)
The Effects of; Time/Aging + Stressors + Blocking Factors + ‘All the Wrong Things’
Equals (=)
State of Health of Disease (The Capacity for Adaptation & Stress Resolution)
When one considers the Allopathic approach of modern medicine, what we find is the heavy use of pharmaceuticals, surgery and other invasive procedures. Rx drugs generally work by inhibiting or weakening an unwanted function in the body. Every Rx drug has adverse effects, some of these effects can be viewed as more unwanted than the initial symptom or diagnosis. Surgery removes non-compliant tissue, for example, the gal bladder, appendix even tonsils as if they serve no true purpose. Many invasive procedures including chemo and radiation will sacrifice healthy cells in an attempt to eradicate the unwanted or unresponsive cells. While allopathy may manage a symptom today, it may also be a catalyst for a new symptom tomorrow.
My approach to health building works by strengthening your weak areas, correcting dysfunction, improving efficiency and maximizing potential. The entire process unfolds through your body’s natural activities of detoxification, regeneration and rejuvenation.
My approach does not diagnose, practice medicine, or treat disease. It is a step-by-step methodology that seeks to identify and act upon healing opportunities and address the causal factors that are at the root of your health challenges. This approach is very empowering with education playing a significant role. Most of what we have learned in school and have been led to believe is the correct manner to approach your health, is in fact wrong, or at least inappropriate in most situations.
My Health Coaching does not replace your medical practitioner, rather they can work together, synergistically as long as the doors of communication between all parties involved are kept open.
The reason I am confident in the program is simple. Your body has an innate intelligence, an ability to heal. Every cell has been pre-programmed at the DNA level to search out and strive for health, to optimize function and achieve a state of homeostasis or balance.
You as well as every person alive has a health birth-rite. You were not designed to be unhealthy nor were you intended to live battling disease, suffering and losing. You have an internal blueprint mapping out what health is and an internal program waiting to manifest itself.
What I am saying is that if you give your body what it needs, and reduce or eliminate those things that get in the way, your body can literally rebuild itself. No more fad diets, useless pills, spending hours at the gym or suffering alone within yourself.
You may be wondering how I know this. All you have to do is observe the body. Consider this:
Blood Sugar: If your blood sugar is too high, your body performs specific chemical actions to bring the blood sugar back to normal. If your blood sugar drops, it has specific protocols to elevate it to normal. You don’t have to think about it. It does so automatically. Do keep in mind that like anything in this world, it can be broken. That is what Type II Diabetes is. Due to improper environment and lifestyle we literally break the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Luckily, it can often be repaired. If you recall, it used to be called “Adult onset Diabetes” until non-adults even children began being diagnosed. This trend of disease manifesting in ever younger groups is becoming very common, the downward trend is accelerating.
Cuts and Breaks: If you cut your skin or break a bone, the body heals with minimal conscious intervention. Of course, keeping the wound clean helps. If the cut is deep bringing the edges together helps. Setting the bone will allow the bone to heal in its proper position and often stronger than it originally was.
If the body is able to manage blood sugar on its own, and repair injuries to the skin and bone, what else it is capable of given the proper environment, lifestyle support, intention and time? Think about it. Seriously, think about it.
Have you done so much harm to yourself that you are un-healable, un-fixable? Do you think so little of yourself that you deserve to be unhealthy and unhappy? I think not! If you don’t believe you deserve to be healthy, that should be your first priority because you will never be able to override such a destructive thought process.
With this out of the way, let’s dig deeper into each of the 6 steps starting with Metabolic Typing®