‘Everything Looks Normal’
The odds are rather high that either you personally, or someone you know has gone to their physician or healthcare provider with a complaint or two. The doctor writes a prescription for lab work which, when it returns, is normal. That is, the results all fall within the reference ranges. What is then implied, if not verbally expressed, is that there is nothing wrong with you.
The question is how do you respond to that. Think about it, you have symptoms, and they may be rather uncomfortable, but there is nothing wrong, it is normal. Since when is being uncomfortable within your own body normal, much less should be accepted?
If there is nothing wrong with me, maybe it is all in my head. Maybe I should listen to the doctor and not worry about it so much. If you are really concerned, he has a prescription for a drug which should reduce or hopefully eliminate the symptom or at least reduce the anxiety you are feeling dealing with the symptom. But remember, it’s all normal….there is nothing to see here.
Whether you take that prescription or not just consider:
Is your fatigue a caffeine deficiency?
Are those headaches an aspirin deficiency
Is anxiety a Xanax deficiency?
Is cancer the result of a lack of exposure to chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatment in your life?
Is that pesky high blood pressure due to not having enough diuretics in your diet?
It sounds ridiculous when presented like this, but it is true. That is the general thought process that the Medical Model follows. While they don’t come out and say it, that is exactly what is inferred. You need to take a drug, that does not exist in nature, nor didn’t exist possibly a few years ago in order to resolve a symptom that you did not always have but decided to manifest itself for no other reason that the man made drug was missing?!?!
That reminds me of this meme:
Prescribed Metformin for the diabetes caused by the Hydrochlorothiazide
taken for high blood pressure caused by the Ambien
taken for insomnia caused by the Xanax
taken for the anxiety caused by Wellbutrin
taken for chronic fatigue caused by Lipitor
taken for the high cholesterol
created by an inappropriate diet, lack of movement
and generally poor lifestyle choices!
Self-Care versus Disease-Care? Treat the person, or treat the symptoms? Which approach do you prefer?
Focusing on the symptoms is the easy way out. We also generally know that the easy route is less likely to result in what we truly want or need. My perspective is; don’t treat the symptoms, treat the person manifesting the symptoms. Investigate the causal or contributing factors and place your energy into correcting the dysfunction, balancing the imbalances and allow the body to do what it was designed to do; search out and strive for health! No one accidentally gets healthy. Health is something you work for and does not come in a bottle, or in a pill form.
Allopathy, modern medicine is all abut managing symptoms using protocols and therapies approved by the private corporation (medical association) that works in alignment with the pharmaceutical companies and healthcare insurance industries. They all monetarily benefit while you may or may not experience results short term and rarely long-term, at least without unwanted adverse effects. They treat everyone with a given diagnosis or symptom(s) with the same approved, coded protocol or SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). This one-size-fits-all approach while good for the corporations involved is suboptimal for the individual, the individual with unique needs and circumstances.
While the medical model is excellent in saving lives when life and death situations are present, their methods are less than stellar when it comes to resolving or preventing unwanted health challenges.
Choose self-care in all but the most extreme situations (life or death). Just remove rot investigate your self-care options and choose that which treats you and your biochemical individuality.
Move better, feel better, live better with Olesky Health Coaching. Consultations are available.